Darling Blogettes~
I wish you peace filled holidays full of happy memories and love. Thank you all so much for being my blog friends...
With much love,
Darling Blogettes~
I wish you peace filled holidays full of happy memories and love. Thank you all so much for being my blog friends...
With much love,
What are some of yours?
Happy, happy Thanksgiving!
Do any of you watch "Ugly Betty"? I absolutely love this show! It puts such a positive spin on just being yourself and accepting yourself, flaws and all.
Last week, at the end of a disasterous day for Betty ending in her review for a posh hotel being rejected by her editor, Betty is hiding out in the bathroom. Who comes in but Sophia the hard-nosed author (played by Salma Hayek) who encourages Betty to stand up straight, push her shoulders back and smile. AND most importantly, not to let other people's opinions get to you. Don't we all need a Sophia in our lives on those days when nothing seems to go our way?
Yes, it's a VINTAGE CHRISTMAS SWAP!!! Find out all about this swap which is being organized by Tanya at "Prints Charming". There are also lots of great vintage sites listed on this link (other participants in the Vintage Christmas swap).
Won't you join me? I'm so excited...I'm off to brainstorm ideas!
Home caring: To care for one's dwelling and the individuals therin. Ok, it's not a real definition, and maybe not a real combination of words, but I for one think it should be.
I have a long weekend and promised myself I wouldn't do a THING I didn't want to. No scheduling anything. No rushing from one appointment or task to the next. No feeling guilty every time I want to sit and just enjoy things a little bit. Have I stuck to my guns? Well....I did do some things that I really didn't want to do (but feel a whole lot better having finished them up). I rested a little (Mary E.'s new Home Companion for December/January is a DREAM~especially when enjoyed with 3 plump pets and a hot mug of Chai Latte). I cleaned the house a bit. I baked a cake (or two). Overall, I think I've done well. Some times when I have a day off, I need to just rest, vegitate, be a sloth. Other times, like yesterday and today, I feel much better tackling things I've been putting off.
I'm amazed at how hard the Christmas bug has bitten! For the past few years I haven't felt all that Christmasy. I felt sort of numb to it all, a little immune from the fa-la-la'ing and presents and decorating. But this year, I'm really, truly excited for the Chrstmas season. I've been pouring over magazines and thinking about my vintage Christmas ideas for this year. I have a beautiful silver Christmas tree from that my in-laws gave me two birthdays ago. Last year was the first time I used it. I wish I had some pictures to show you! I love the whole vintage-Christmas look, especially the pure white with touches of robin's egg blue, bright pink and retro green. Somehow though, the tree didn't look right to me in my butter-yellow living room. I think it's too much of a contrast. The living room is really warm and the tree and decorations are very cool. My plan this year is to put the tree in our bedroom which is an icy blue, and a real tree in the living room; even if it's just a small one.
Today I'm working on a Christmas paper mobile. I found a vintage pattern for it online. I can post the link if anyone is interested (I'll have to look it up again, I just printed and took off!). I'm really excited to see how it turns out...I'll show you my results, good or bad.
PS These are Nutmeg Feather cakes. I love to bake cakes. I want to make one with the big, fluffy, white 7-minute frosting, but am not sure who else I can pawn a cake (or 2) off on!
Today was the day~We went to pick up my new-to-me piano from my oldest sister's house. She lives about 2 & 1/2 hours from us. It was quite a process! I hired a piano mover there to help us get this six-hundred pound beauty onto our truck and another mover here at home to help us get her into the house. I don't know why, but I'm sure it's a her. Isn't she lovely?
I had to get her all dusted and find a pretty scarf right away. She's a bit larger than I was thinking (somehow in my mind I have a way of making everything fit just the way I want it...but in reality it doesn't always work that way!). Luckily the spot I had picked out does work well. There are a few sticky keys which I'm worried about and she needs to be tuned, but overall not bad for about $150.00 moving costs (that even included our gas!).I've always wanted to learn to play piano, but not badly enough to learn! My mother tried to teach me a bit when I was little...I remember the masking tape "cues" on the keys to help me remember what notes went with which letter. I decided in the 4th grade that the flute was the most beautiful instrument in the world (other than the harp which still remains, in my mind, the most romantic and beatiful looking of all the instruments). But there were no harp players in the elementary school band so I went with the flute.
It's strange how quickly I've forgotten notes and music reading. I began my first ever official piano lessons about 3 weeks ago and really am enjoying it so far. I like how I have to completely concentrate. It's absorbing and I don't have time to worry about things, or think too much. It takes all my effort to focus on what I'm doing.
I love thinking about who owned this piano before me. (Well, I mean before my sister). She got it from an older man who no longer wanted it...but it was built in the early 1900's...who played it all those years? Where has it been?
This scrolling on the front is one of the things I fell in love with first...it's so delicate and unnecessary; that's why I think I love it the most. It's just for prettiness.
You know those people who just have great taste? But not just the "Oh, it's expensive" kind of taste...in my opinion anyone with money should be able to have a nice house. I mean the people who really know how to put things together, how to place things just so, how to create a collection without it looking like a big, well, collection. People who decorate on a shoestring but who's homes look like a million bucks?
My sisters are all those kind of people. My two oldest sisters are into the shabby/vintage/cottage style of decorating and there is something about their homes that is so comforting. When I walk into either house I feel like its arms are reaching out and pulling me in for a warm hug. My third sister's house is completely Zen and when I walk into her home my shoulders relax and my breathing slows down. I love the terra cotta walls and the beautiful candles she lights.
My own house feels like it's in transition. First, I was completely into Asian inspired decorating and my own house had sort of a Zen quality to it. But then I found Shabby Chic and traded in my red pillows and water fountains for pretty doilies and neutral palletes. Now I'm...I don't know! I can't really classify what my decorating style is. Wabi Sabi, I guess.
When I was at Celeste's house this weekend, I thought about some of my favorite things there. I took some photos while dinner was being prepared...
Chic Chick is a combination of opposites; a bit of a wabi-sabi take on life, artistic urges and the feathering of one's nest. Why seek perfection when you can seek fulfillment and enjoyment? Combining sparkly new and old and well-worn just feels right. Writing, altered art, poetry, nature, alternative medicine, christianity, funky purses, and LIFE are just a few of the topics to ponder.... If you want to see what I've been up to creatively, stop by http://chicchickbiz.etsy.com
Chic Chick is a combination of opposites; a bit of a wabi-sabi take on life, artistic urges and the feathering of one's nest. Why seek perfection when you can seek fulfillment and enjoyment? Combining sparkly new and old and well-worn just feels right. Writing, altered art, poetry, nature, alternative medicine, christianity, funky purses, and LIFE are just a few of the topics to ponder.... If you want to see what I've been up to creatively, stop by http://chicchickbiz.etsy.com