Do you ever imagine that you live in TV land? I'll be the first to admit that I go through periods when I'm obsessed with HGTV shows, specifically the craft and home decorating/renovating shows. And somehow, deep in the recesses of my brain, things start to change. I start to imagine myself completing projects in the 2.5 minutes they are completed on HGTV. I start to imagine myself floating around my house with my own sparkly magic fairy wand and presto! A little wall here seperating the laundry room from the kitchen as I've always wanted! Beautiful draping curtains there! A new silky bedspread (never mind that our cats would shred it on it's first day in our house), new hardwood floors in the living room to replace the ratty and poorly installed beige carpet there!
I have to be honest here...I practice "alternate thinking" in more areas of my life than I would like to admit. But one area that is particuarly noticeable is the area of old furniture and other possibilities (or "junk" as my husband says) that I bring home intending to wave my magic wand over. Old chairs are one of my downfalls, mostly wooden ones as I don't have any idea how to re-upholster anything, though I have been known to drag home one or two of the uphostered kind also. Small tables, old picture frames, desks, bookshelves, chairs, chairs and more chairs. I have loaded up my side of the basement and some of our old barn with these little treasures. It's gotten so bad that people will ask me now if I want something before they bring it to the dump! That has to be a bad sign. (sigh)
Anyway, when a friend recently moved out of state, she offered me all sorts of goodies that she didn't want to take with her. One item was this cute little student desk above. I loved it! I've always wanted a little desk to use for bill paying, letter writing, etc. We have a big, huge desk in the living room which the computer is on, but it takes up so much space there is little room left for any type of writing without rearranging everthing on top.
I started the sanding/repainting process about 2 weeks ago. Now for most people, two weeks to finish a project like this isn't maybe so bad. But, of course you can imagine, in my TV land mind-set I was hopping around with my magic wand, wondering what in the world was taking so long. I mean, on Decorating Cents or Freestyle this desk re-do would have taken mere minutes, not hours! Oh, the disappointment of living in the real world.
Regardless, I'm quite pleased with my new little desk and think that new paint and knobs really make it stand out. I chose Toasted Almond for the paint and used a satin finish rather than flat which I prefer on furniture.
So, there you have it. 1 desk down, 483 more projects to complete~now where did I put that wand?
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