Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wonderful Woman...

I just came across this site "A Place To Bark"~WONDERFUL! All you animal lovers, be sure to check it out along with the accompanying blog. I found an article in my old Cloth. Paper, Scissors magazine I was perusing tonight...what an incredible inspiration this woman is.

Also, if you are an animal lover, be sure to visit the Humane Society of the United States . The annual Seal Hunt has begun again and they are desperately trying to stop this cruel practice. Plus, it's just a great place to check out...they are trying so hard to help animals everywhere.


Friday, April 06, 2007

The Dentist...

Today I went to the dentist. This is not my most favorite treat, but seeing as I like having teeth, I do try to make it to the requesite 6 month visits. Normally the hygenist says things like "My! Look at those gums bleed!" and (while scraping mercilessly at my now bloody gums), "Are you flossing? How often? When was the last time? Do you know how?" She literally showed me how to floss my teeth today. Now, if I, at thirty, still can't floss my own teeth, what chances do I have for a full life?

Next the dentist comes in...supposedly I have some problem with a bit of my jaw missing (I know, imagine MY surprise!) possibly from a not-very-well-done root canal many years ago. So this man who I have seen once before in my life, comes breezing in and frowns at me. "You have a huge hole in your head. If you don't go immediately for oral surgery you will lose your tooth. You may lose more than one." I, in a quiet panic, am struck mute. "See this opoppoijoiust region here?" He points aimlessly at a grey portion of my x-ray, "this is your sceotopitiso. Why, it's nearly gone! It's probably full of inflammation and disease. It is most likely oozing pus into your mouth, even if you can't notice it." I mention that I really haven't been feeling any pain in this area, that it's been this same way for several years. "Bah! You have that surgery or you'll be sorry!" (Exit, dentist). It's little cause for wonder why dentists are so hated. I once read that dentists have the highest suicide rate of all professions. Now, as I lay there in my squeaky, plastic covered chair, I thought I could maybe understand a few of the reasons why.

1) Have you ever noticed how god-awful the wallpaper is at the dentist? Is there some horrible wallpaper store specifically for dental offices out there?

2) Terrible, terrible music, made worse only by the accompanying sound of high pitched drilling and the "ughhhhh, uuuughghhghghhhh" of the poor person the drill is attacking.

3) Hygenists who poke your mouth with sharp instruments repetitively, and then ask you why your gums are bleeding.

4) The strange, sickly sweet peppermint/cherry/latex smell, hovering in the air.

In the end I asked for a copy of my x-ray and a second opinion. I think I saw my dentist wipe his eye on the hem of his blue coat before pasting on a grin and accepting his next victim into the chair...