Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thankfulness List...

As promised, here is my Thankfulness List:

I'm grateful for:

  • A fabulous and sexy husband who still makes me weak in the knees sometimes, makes me laugh hard and listens to me like I'm the only person in his world
  • A wonderful family, including 3 older sisters who have the best sense of humor and fabulous taste in everything
  • Friends who always know when to ask "Is everything ok?" when it definitely is not
  • Pets who are cuddly and snuggly and sweet without even trying
  • All 5 of my senses
  • A healthy body and an often creative mind
  • Our home for which I have a renovation list 1 mile long, and which honestly looks just fine the way that it is
  • Music
  • Snow
  • Hot showers and baths
  • Nature and fresh, cold air
  • All the agencies and people who are out there, doing good things for causes I believe in like the Humane Society, the Greyhound Rescues, Homeless Shelters, Soup Kitchens, Adoption Agencies, and organizations trying to stop injustices all over the world
  • A job in which I feel appreciated and that is close to home with generous bosses
  • The realization that I'm fine the way I am (still working on this one)
  • A soft, warm bed
  • The ability to express parts of myself through writing, creating, drawing/painting, and playing
  • The happiness that simple things still, and will always bring
  • Hot coffee or tea
  • The beauty that is all around me
  • Toes and fingers
  • Sunshine
  • My spirit~which always fights for the underdog
  • Fresh bread warm from the oven
  • Holidays

What are some of yours?

Happy, happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Grateful for Apples & Cakes &...

Thanksgiving is almost upon us~this time of year (as we are told over and over again) is the perfect time to spend some time thinking about what we are grateful for. I try hard to always count my blessings and say prayers of thanks whenever I think of something I'm grateful for, especially when it's something I've never thought of fingernails. When is the last time you thought how grateful you are about something that is so useful but maybe gets taken a little bit for granted? I mean, how else can you pop out a wayward staple quickly, scratch the delicate skin by your eye or those nasty summer bug bites?

Now it's time for bed and I'm extremely grateful that I have a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in and a warm house around me and a husband and pets to share it with. Tomorrow I will start my Thankfulness List...will you join me?

PS The Apple Walnut cake is yummier than it looks-and this one is headed to work tomorrow to be shared with my new coworkers who are quickly becoming kind friends.

Monday, November 20, 2006

A Treat Today (and One in 51 Days)...

This was as delicious as it looks. I've found myself eating a lot of "junk" chocolate lately and am renewing my pledge to decadent, delicious chocolates, preferably individually wrapped with pretty foils like this little guy. I stopped by Lindt this weekend while my husband and I were checking out the gorgeous Christmas displays in on the Church Street Marketplace. Soon Church Street will be lit up with with millions of twinkling white lights dripping from's so beautiful. We always try to make it down for a walk along the magically lit street on Christmas Eve; sometimes it's very late and we are nearly the only people out. I absolutely love it; every icy breathful of air, every scent of snow and most of all the feeling of my hand snuggled into my husband's coat pocket. We might not make it more than a few blocks some years (I remember one in particular when the wind was whipping off the lake so strongly, it took our breath away and made our clothes feel like tissue paper!).

Church Street at this time of year holds another special memory for us as it's just one short block to the park where my husband proposed, sometime in December, 6 years ago. (Is it awful that I don't remember the date?). I remember the whole thing, I swear. Just not the date.

I've decided that along with decadent chocolate, it's time to treat myself to something else. Something really, really special that I would normally turn my frugal and practical nose up at (I tried to convince my then-fiance that I didn't need or want a diamond engagement ring...but he won). I'm turning 30 in January and I've decided to buy a beautiful ring to commemorate the new decade. Now, I have to tell you, I don't feel 30! Not that 30 is old by any means, it's just that I still see myself somewhere around 21 or 22. And even though I know that 30 isn't OLD, it's older. I mean, one can't be quite as reckless at 30 as one was at 20. Then it was expected and tolerated; now it would just be weird...and sad in a way.

So, when we were on Church Street this weekend, I checked out some jewelry shops. Nothing really stood. There were some beautiful rings, but nothing particuarly piqued my interest (except one gorgeous delicate silver vined piece with a brown diamond which was over $2800!) I put it down very quickly and thanked the nice lady. The last shop we came to was IT, I knew soon after stepping foot inside. It was a tiny little shop tucked away from the hubub of the busy street and noisy pedestrians. There was folk-y music playing an older gentleman working on a piece in the back. I didn't see anything at once that caught my eye, but I had a brilliant idea. Why buy a piece already made when one could have one made, especially for her? I talked with kind gentleman and set up an appiontment for later this week. Let me tell you, I have been sketching like there is no tomorrow! I've also found some beatiful vintage rings on Ebay which might be able to be used for inspiration. I want something simple and elegant and classy and you think that's too tall an order?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Something from Christmas Past...

FINALLY! The Christmas mobile. Now, first I should apologize for these photos...they aren't the best I've ever taken...however, have you ever tried to make a mobile stop moving? It's nearly impossible! And just when I thought I finally got it to stay still for one tiny second, I realized that Santa was showing us his backside or that the ugly white back of the tiny stocking filled with presents was showing, instead of the right side. Whew! It was a process let me tell you!

This pattern, I think I mentioned, is from 1956. Reading the directions initially I thought it would be a breeze to make. "No problem! I can pump out 5 of these in varying shades and motifs before the holidays!" Well, not quite. First, women of that time must have been patient; much, much more patient than I. There was all this intricate folding and cutting and measuring and drawing to make the tiny canopy tent, which, as you might notice, is missing from the photo because it looks terrible! Needless to say taking the quick route in this particular instance, may not have been my best bet! I'm dreaming of a paper dessert plate, heavily decorated for future mobiles...

And poor Santa! As you can see he's had a bit of a stressful time already...his tiny cuff is coming unattached and his smile is looking a little strained. Doesn't he remind you of the Santa from Rudolph though? Only not so mean. I never liked that Rudolph Santa, he was such a jerk! He only liked the reindeer that could serve his purposes in some way and were "perfect", not marred with strange noses or other physical flaws.

How many days till Christmas? Perhaps if I started cutting and pasting now, I could finish one more just in time...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Everyone Needs a Cheerleader...

Do any of you watch "Ugly Betty"? I absolutely love this show! It puts such a positive spin on just being yourself and accepting yourself, flaws and all.

Last week, at the end of a disasterous day for Betty ending in her review for a posh hotel being rejected by her editor, Betty is hiding out in the bathroom. Who comes in but Sophia the hard-nosed author (played by Salma Hayek) who encourages Betty to stand up straight, push her shoulders back and smile. AND most importantly, not to let other people's opinions get to you. Don't we all need a Sophia in our lives on those days when nothing seems to go our way?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Goals & Dreams...

"Goals are dreams with deadlines."

I'm not sure who created that phrase, but it's probably very true. I really, truly should work on goals...I spend a lot of time in "dream mode" where I fantasize about all these wonderful projects, and the stellar reviews they will someday time would be much better spent in the here and now, dealing with the day-to-day stuff and trying to fit in my dream work between, right?

Yesterday I went to a training for work...I expected it to be boring and touch on topics I have heard over and over again. It wasn't! We talked about goals and dreams and where we are heading and how to get there. It was very inspiring and made me feel more excited about the possibilities out there.

This is a photo from my morning commute. Someday, when I'm self-employed and working in my jammies all day, I will look back at this photo and laugh, while sipping coffee; a pet in my lap.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sugar Plums are Dancing in my Head...

"The children were nestled, all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads..."

I don't know about the children, but I am certainly dreaming of sugar plums and pretty blue packages wrapped in white and red ribbons and pink santas and sugared cookies and cinnamon scented rooms and clove studded oranges...

I know. I was trying to fight the feelings, trying hard to hold out until the Friday after Thanksgiving...THAT is supposed to be decorating day. But I just couldn't! On the plus side I found this gorgeous "candy" garland this weekend and while pulling out my silver Christmas tree today, unearthed these darling little crocheted cupcakes that I bought on clearance after Christmas last year. That is simply the BEST time to buy Christmas items, but hard to do~by the time Christmas is over (perhaps because I start so prematurely?) I'm sick to death of decorations and sweets and carols and the clutter and the messiness that always seem to accompany the holidays. Plus, I'm truly wiped out from holiday parties and family get-togethers (not that I want to miss any of them!).

This is a photo of my silver Christmas tree that I put up in our bedroom. I'm sorry it's a bit blurry...also I seem to have cut off the tippy top which I finished off with an easter bonnet (continuing with the pink/blue theme). I'm pretty happy with it. This tree is actually closer to 6 feet high, but you can use just the top as I did here, and make it much more manageable for a small space (and our bedroom is SMALL!).

PS I finished the Christmas mobile but haven't taken pictures yet...I'll try to do that tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Vintage Christmas Swap...

I have heard so much about swaps: People are swapping ATC's (Artist Trading Cards), quilt blocks, dollhouse furniture and miniatures, etc., etc. Finally, I found a swap for me!

Yes, it's a VINTAGE CHRISTMAS SWAP!!! Find out all about this swap which is being organized by Tanya at "Prints Charming". There are also lots of great vintage sites listed on this link (other participants in the Vintage Christmas swap).

Won't you join me? I'm so excited...I'm off to brainstorm ideas!

A Christmas Crafty (or 2)...

Have I mentioned yet how excited I am for Christmas? I'm working on a vintage-inspired Chrismtas mobile. These little retro colored Christmas balls will go around the top of the mobile (sort of like a pretty umbrella top) and the tiny Santa, reindeer and presents will float underneath. I'm having such a hard time deciding on a Christmas color theme this year...on the one hand, I'm really leaning toward the traditional red, white and green; using vintage decorations as much as possible. On the other hand, a Christmas of robin's egg blue, silver, bright pink and white is quite tempting as well! I would love to do the whole house up in similar colors, but because of the cool/warm room colors (I know I've mentioned this in a previous post!) I'm struggling. Any thoughts on this? many days left?

Monday, November 06, 2006

New Art, Bad Photo...

This is a little mixed media piece I have been working on for awhile. I wish the picture would have come out better. If you can't read it, the words in the woman's belly are: Sadness, Fear, Anger and Guilt and the words running down the side (on top of the black) read: Eating Your Words. I wanted to do something like this because it's how I feel about negative feelings. I know I'm not the only one who finds it hard to express my feelings, especially the "less ladylike" ones. Expressing myself, making requests; hard things to do~but essential.

I also found another plus-sized magazine (Figure), this one in real-honest-to-goodness print. There is something very satisfying about holding a glossy magazine in your hands and flipping through the pages then storing them carefully and looking at them again and again. I absolutely, positively HATE crinkled/bent/mangled/torn magazines. Even if my favorite magazine was the last on the shelf, I would have to leave it there if it was in poor condition. I don't know what this "issue" is called (no pun intended!) but whatever it is, I have it!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Love Thy AmaZing Self...

I have had the gimmee's lately. I want new clothes, a new car, new improvements to our house, new trips to plan for...I often feel like I'm falling behind; money-wise, house-wise, career-wise and even body-wise.

In fact, there has been a lot of negative chatter going on inside lately and I don't like it one bit! I've sworn off fashion magazines ages ago but I miss the "eye candy" factor (Seeing all those beautiuful clothes! Fabrics! Shoes!) and the ideas that generate while reading fashion magazines. No, I will never spend the outrageous asking price on certain name brand items of clothing, but I love to look at the pictures and then take the ideas into my own closet and see what I can come up with.

I used to read a plus-sized magazine called "Mode", and LOVED it, but sadly they went under. Today I was so pleased to find an emagazine dedicated to REAL sized women. AmaZe Plus Magazine is just what I was looking for! (For those of you thin readers, this magazine is really about loving yourself, no matter what size, so don't feel excluded!)

Along with renewing my dedication to fun and frolic (as seen in previous post), I'm renewing my dedication to feeling good about myself. I think really, that they are one and the same. How can I love other people and make them feel good (which I really, really love to do) if I don't feel good about myself and take care of me, inside and out?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Home Caring, Cake(s) and The Christmas Itch...

Home caring: To care for one's dwelling and the individuals therin. Ok, it's not a real definition, and maybe not a real combination of words, but I for one think it should be.

I have a long weekend and promised myself I wouldn't do a THING I didn't want to. No scheduling anything. No rushing from one appointment or task to the next. No feeling guilty every time I want to sit and just enjoy things a little bit. Have I stuck to my guns? Well....I did do some things that I really didn't want to do (but feel a whole lot better having finished them up). I rested a little (Mary E.'s new Home Companion for December/January is a DREAM~especially when enjoyed with 3 plump pets and a hot mug of Chai Latte). I cleaned the house a bit. I baked a cake (or two). Overall, I think I've done well. Some times when I have a day off, I need to just rest, vegitate, be a sloth. Other times, like yesterday and today, I feel much better tackling things I've been putting off.

I'm amazed at how hard the Christmas bug has bitten! For the past few years I haven't felt all that Christmasy. I felt sort of numb to it all, a little immune from the fa-la-la'ing and presents and decorating. But this year, I'm really, truly excited for the Chrstmas season. I've been pouring over magazines and thinking about my vintage Christmas ideas for this year. I have a beautiful silver Christmas tree from that my in-laws gave me two birthdays ago. Last year was the first time I used it. I wish I had some pictures to show you! I love the whole vintage-Christmas look, especially the pure white with touches of robin's egg blue, bright pink and retro green. Somehow though, the tree didn't look right to me in my butter-yellow living room. I think it's too much of a contrast. The living room is really warm and the tree and decorations are very cool. My plan this year is to put the tree in our bedroom which is an icy blue, and a real tree in the living room; even if it's just a small one.

Today I'm working on a Christmas paper mobile. I found a vintage pattern for it online. I can post the link if anyone is interested (I'll have to look it up again, I just printed and took off!). I'm really excited to see how it turns out...I'll show you my results, good or bad.

PS These are Nutmeg Feather cakes. I love to bake cakes. I want to make one with the big, fluffy, white 7-minute frosting, but am not sure who else I can pawn a cake (or 2) off on!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

"Martha, Martha, Martha!"

I have a new obsession...and like most of my interests or ideas, it's something that's been around for a llllooooooonnnnggg time, only I'm just now getting into it. Somehow I always seem the miss the boat with things. It was years after Rachel Ashwell unveiled Shabby Chic that I FINALLY got into it. Well, that is an understatement. I was soon completely obsessed with it. "That's SO Shabby Chic!" "Is this Shabby Chic enough?" "This definitely Shabby Chic, don't you think?". Yes, well. My husband even knows what is and isn't Shabby Chic. We will be walking through a flea market and my husband will grab my arm whispering quietly in my ear (lest anyone else with a Shabby Chic bent is in the area) "Shabby Chic cup & saucer on the table to your right."

Anyway, Shabby Chic is still completely marvelous in my mind, but my new fascination is with Martha Stewart. I know, could I be any more behind the times?

It might be due to this book which I picked up at the library last week(and which is also on sale at Amazon and other fine booksellers). As you know, I'll always be an entrepenuer at heart. So, even though I've sworn off business books of all kinds, I thought maybe, just maybe I could gain a bit of wisdom here. It's really interesting! I re-discovered Martha Stewart Living magazine and really like it! I love her style: Sort of a modern traditional, though that sounds weird. It's clean, simple (which is the hallmark of modern) but old fashioned at the same time. Now I'm taping her show while I'm at work, adding other books of hers to my Amazon, I don't know that I would ever choose Martha Stewart Living over say, Country Living (I do like a little bit of fluff and "extras", especially vintage pieces that give warmth), but I am at a place where I'm beginning to understand or re-discover "Less is More".

Halloween Horrors...

Oh, I can't believe it's over already~This year Halloween came so quickly I never had a chance to get tired of the 4,500 showings of "Halloween" (1-8?) we normally watch, or decorations, or seeing all the store costumes reduced from 50,000 choices down to "witch" or "dracula". I never even had a chance to get tired of my husband's costume (can you guess?) Michael Myers from the above mentioned "Halloween" movies. It was a whirlwind of spooky decorations, candy, a few drinks, a party and hours spent putting together my "Woodland Fairy" costume, which I don't have pictures of because I left my camera's memory card at home! However, my sister-in-law's finace did get some good pictures which I'll try to remember to ask him for.

Every year I scour, inhale, pour over the home decorating magazines at Halloween (and Christmas, of course!). And every year I have the burning desire to have this huge HUGE Halloween party complete with apple bobbing, carmel popcorn balls, spooky music, lavish decorations and a pot of of cider complete with the smoke or fog that dry ice creates. Everyone would be required to come in costume, of course. Did any of you see the ME Home Companion for October? That is the kind of party I want to throw. Maybe next year...and you're all invited, of course!