I have had the gimmee's lately. I want new clothes, a new car, new improvements to our house, new trips to plan for...I often feel like I'm falling behind; money-wise, house-wise, career-wise and even body-wise.
In fact, there has been a lot of negative chatter going on inside lately and I don't like it one bit! I've sworn off fashion magazines ages ago but I miss the "eye candy" factor (Seeing all those beautiuful clothes! Fabrics! Shoes!) and the ideas that generate while reading fashion magazines. No, I will never spend the outrageous asking price on certain name brand items of clothing, but I love to look at the pictures and then take the ideas into my own closet and see what I can come up with.
I used to read a plus-sized magazine called "Mode", and LOVED it, but sadly they went under. Today I was so pleased to find an emagazine dedicated to REAL sized women. AmaZe Plus Magazine is just what I was looking for! (For those of you thin readers, this magazine is really about loving yourself, no matter what size, so don't feel excluded!)
Along with renewing my dedication to fun and frolic (as seen in previous post), I'm renewing my dedication to feeling good about myself. I think really, that they are one and the same. How can I love other people and make them feel good (which I really, really love to do) if I don't feel good about myself and take care of me, inside and out?
My sister and I used to read Mode magazine and loved it! My sister told me that one time she and her husband were in a book store at a magazine rack and her husband commented on the attractive model on the cover she was looking at. When she told him that she was a plus sized model he thought that she just looked like your usual model. PI
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