Saturday, May 27, 2006

Where Have You Been?

This is so fun and inspirational!

I love to travel, though I haven't much in recent years. One of my dreams is to see all 50 states. My sister Aimee, sent me this link where you can check off each state that you've been to and it creates a map for you. The red areas are where I've been. As you can see I'm kind of a coast hugger! My dream is to get out west soon...maybe rent an RV or car and camp out...

Where have you been?

create your own visited states map

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rainy Day(s) and a Yummy Bake Over...

What is a bakeover you ask? It's a delicious, scrumptious Farm Girl Feast! I am completely and totally smitten with Mary Janes Farm I love the message boards and the website and just recently was offered (and am hoarding) a copy of the spring issue of MJ's magazine my sister Faith loaned me. Hence the Bakeover...It's so simple! Saute up a batch of fresh veggies, add a little tofu or cheese if you desire, make a quick crust to bake on top and viola! A tasty and nutritious meal in just about 30 minutes.

I'm a true Farm Girl at heart...Someday I want to have a big old farmhouse (yellow with black and white trim and a red door), acres of land to create an animal sanctuary (for abused/neglected farm animals and dogs and cats alike), goats to mow my yard and chickens to lay organic eggs. I want a big fireplace with a comfy couch to curl up on after a long day working outside in the garden. I want to grow a patch of lavender and have lilac trees so thick that when you walk through the grove of them the incredible smell makes you lose your breath, and all thoughts of time.

What about you??? Are you a true Farm Girl or a City Slicker? Do you enjoy lunching at an expensive restaurant in a metropolitan area or throwing together a quick picnic to enjoy under the trees or stars? Do you love aprons, or find them restrictive? Cast your vote here, I'm anxious to find out! :)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Creativity in the Air...

Here is a little canvas I created a bit ago. I added the finishing touches today, and posted it on Ebay. It's a little hard to see in the picture but I used different shades of green; sage and moss along with burnt sienna and some copper embossing powders to add some interest. I stamped a wide band of pretty script through the width of the canvas with the embossing powder and added some ink, papers, and pretty sequins to finish it off.

I love creating things! Stay tuned, I'm working on a cute little "quote book" to record your favorite quotes's different! :)

Some Pretty Little Changes...

I had the itch this weekend to change things up in our little house. I see so many great ideas in magazines, but I wanted to try to make one little spot, one tiny corner, completely original. I found the metal tray above the cabinets in the kitchen and the absolutely darling little "Bloom" painting is from the very talented Jeny Penny on Etsy! It's my first purchase there, although I drool over things all the time. I have a wishlist about 1.5 miles long and two of the items are more of Jeny Penny's...I like buying things in odd numbers, usually 3's or 5's.

I bought some really bright, springy paint at the craft store and painted a little shelf and have plans to add a lot more bright color throught the house. I think I will have to take it in small steps so that it doesn't overwhelm.

More to come...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A New Avenue for the Shop...

This photo has absolutely nothing to do with my post, but I just had to put my cute fat cat "Fat Boy Magoo" on the web. Isn't he darling? His honest, true, given name is Magoo, but as often happens with people and animals, they adopt certain, shall I say, less than desireable nicknames. Fat Boy was a rather normal sized barn kitty who we adopted, along with his smaller sister Spazzi about 5 years ago. Goodness, can it be that long already?

Anyway, I digress (as usual). I have come to a sort-of decision about the shop. I am thinking of trying out a new format to get some more exposure and have my weekend life less encumbered by shop-issues. Right now I'm supposed to be open on Saturdays for about 4 hours. This raises a few problems, most of which are that there are lots of fun things to do on Saturday afternoons in the nice weather, and I'd rather not be stuck at home waiting for people to come to the shop. So, my idea is this. I will load up my car maybe 1-2 Saturdays a month and head for a HUGE fleamarket about 1.25 hours from here. I would get tons of exposure, the rent is cheap ($20/day) and can set my own hours that day. If the weather is absolutely breathtaking and I decide I want to spend the day at the beach instead, I can! If I have a wedding to attend or am invited to a party, I can go! But, if I end up doing well at the flea market, it would become a great avenue to get my name out there and make some sales. Buying stuff to resell is fun! Making things to sell is great! But the key to both is SELLING of the items!

AND my additional idea for the shop is this: An Annual Boutique Sale. Once a year I will host a HUGE party and invite everyone I know to come browse all the goodies for sale. I absolutely LOVE planning and throwing events like this (similar to my annual Victorian Tea Party). It's such fun and so rewarding!

Well, that's the plan....stay tuned to see my progress! :)

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Color Revelation...

Do you know, I could spend hours in the hardware store staring at paint chips? I stopped by on my way home just to get a can of white spray paint to "renew" a few items for the shop. I got sidetracked by the beautiful-crayonbox colors of the paint chips. There are so many beautiful colors...and the names! The names are so delicious you can feel it in your toes.

"Saltmarsh Pink", "Checkerberry", "Peach Puff", "June Bud", "Touch of Nectar", "Purple Sage"...breathtaking! What an incredibly fun job it must be to create the names for all these colors. One is named "Coconut Milk"; Honestly, it's not my favorite color (creamy off white) but just the fact that I want to drink it up makes me want to put it on my walls. What could be more comforting than enveloping yourself in coconut milk? Just the thought makes me feel all gooey and warm inside.

Here's to grownups crayons...all 1050 shades of Glidden.