Aren't dollhouses supposed to be sort of sweet and small, something you can put tiny little miniature furnishings in?
This is my dollhouse:

If you can't tell from the picture, it's quite...large. I would guess it measures nearly 3' across by 2.5' tall, though I don't think I've ever really measured it.
I have a love/hate relationship with this house. I bought it nearly 4 years ago and at the time two of my older sisters were into dollhouses. I'd always wanted one when I was little. My parents actually bought me my "dream" dollhouse, it was pink and had white gingerbread trim...unfortunately, that' s what it looked like on the outside of the box and it was so complicated and there were so many pieces and parts and complicated directions that we never actually got it set up. I think we put up two or three walls...
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to have another house to decorate. This one could be so much more manageable! Everything in doll-land would be orderly and neat, no crumbs on the counter, no laundry, no dirty dishes. BUT as you can see, 4 years after purchasing, I haven't done a lot of, (ahem) improvements around the place. I did paint nearly all the outside. It's butter yellow (actually the same paint left over from the living room!) with black trim. That is my favorite color combination for the exterior of my dream house. The inside is just so wide open, there are hardly any walls so it makes the creation of rooms pretty hard. This actually is quite a lot like my real-life house. There are hardly any walls on the bottom floor so when you walk into the front door there is the living room and you can see all the way to the other end of the house to the landry room! It makes decorating a bit of a trick because everything has to "flow" much better than if there were seperate walls to keep things more, well, seperate!
Anyway, I have no idea what scale this dollhouse is (other than "very large") so I never dare to buy very much furniture for it. I actually don't like most of the furniture in there now, but it came with the house so I've kept it. I really hate the fabric/style of the canopy bed. Icky.
Here is a little hutch that I also don't really like, but I LOVE all my miniature food! Check out the tiny jar of canned peaches! The lettuce I made from polymer clay and the cans are a mishmash of canned veggies and dog food. They often fall off the cabinet and roll all throughout the house.

Somewhere I have a tiny little mouse and I have a miniature sewing set with tiny bobbins of thread, dress patterns and a pin cushion complete with pins.
I am working on painting some furniture this weekend. If you are into dollhouses at all, (or even if you aren't) you may get a kick out of this site: http://hauntednminiature.blogspot.com/
It's a HAUNTED dollhouse, all ready for halloween~Fun!
I had lots of dollhouse furniture as a child, but never a dollhouse. My brother was building one, then moved. ..sigh.. But I am totally distracted, is that a wad of cash outside the front door? Man, I wish I had a huge wad of cash sitting outside MY front door :)
Wouldn't that be great! You are very perceptive...I never even noticed that!
There is a magazine photo behind it with cash on it. Funny!
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