Home caring: To care for one's dwelling and the individuals therin. Ok, it's not a real definition, and maybe not a real combination of words, but I for one think it should be.
I have a long weekend and promised myself I wouldn't do a THING I didn't want to. No scheduling anything. No rushing from one appointment or task to the next. No feeling guilty every time I want to sit and just enjoy things a little bit. Have I stuck to my guns? Well....I did do some things that I really didn't want to do (but feel a whole lot better having finished them up). I rested a little (Mary E.'s new Home Companion for December/January is a DREAM~especially when enjoyed with 3 plump pets and a hot mug of Chai Latte). I cleaned the house a bit. I baked a cake (or two). Overall, I think I've done well. Some times when I have a day off, I need to just rest, vegitate, be a sloth. Other times, like yesterday and today, I feel much better tackling things I've been putting off.
I'm amazed at how hard the Christmas bug has bitten! For the past few years I haven't felt all that Christmasy. I felt sort of numb to it all, a little immune from the fa-la-la'ing and presents and decorating. But this year, I'm really, truly excited for the Chrstmas season. I've been pouring over magazines and thinking about my vintage Christmas ideas for this year. I have a beautiful silver Christmas tree from that my in-laws gave me two birthdays ago. Last year was the first time I used it. I wish I had some pictures to show you! I love the whole vintage-Christmas look, especially the pure white with touches of robin's egg blue, bright pink and retro green. Somehow though, the tree didn't look right to me in my butter-yellow living room. I think it's too much of a contrast. The living room is really warm and the tree and decorations are very cool. My plan this year is to put the tree in our bedroom which is an icy blue, and a real tree in the living room; even if it's just a small one.
Today I'm working on a Christmas paper mobile. I found a vintage pattern for it online. I can post the link if anyone is interested (I'll have to look it up again, I just printed and took off!). I'm really excited to see how it turns out...I'll show you my results, good or bad.
PS These are Nutmeg Feather cakes. I love to bake cakes. I want to make one with the big, fluffy, white 7-minute frosting, but am not sure who else I can pawn a cake (or 2) off on!
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