Luckily for me, Fat Boy (as seen to the left) seemed to sense how icky I was feeling. He followed me around from kitchen to living room to bedroom and slept next to me, all curled up near my side while I napped. This is rare for him. Spazzi, his sister is constantly after us to pet her, play with her, curl up on us, etc., but Fat Boy is not really too interested in what we are doing, unless we are eating fish. Then he loves us.
I know I was only alone for the day, but it felt really, really good to have him just, CARE about me. I remember when I was younger and lived alone out of state, completely away from my family or anyone that I knew really, I came down with this flu and I just thought how sad it was, how completely and utterly sad that there wasn't anyone who would check my fever or go and get me cough medicine. I lay in my bed with a fever and thought about the safety of trying to drive to the store for medicine. I felt utterly, completely alone.
Yesterday, I was thinking (in my morbid, overly obsessive worrisome way) what if I just died? I mean, I don't think I'm THAT sick, but who knows? Especially after hearing all the warnings about spinach and e coli...I mean SPINACH? Who knew that something that is supposed to be so healthy and wonderfully full of vitamins and nutrients could make anyone so sick? It really got me worried. I mean, I worry CONSTANTLY, but this was a new and bigger worry to worry about. Who really knows? Not likely, but still.
So, anyway one great thing that came out of my being sick was that for the whole day yesterday I felt free. I didn't have one pressing thing, not one expectation on me. I can't clean the house, I'm sick. No doing laundry. No trying to create anything. No accomplishing anything at all. I laid in bed after my mid-morning nap and stared out my window at the tree outside that is just beginning to turn. I spent some time focusing on how blue the sky was and how soft the clouds looked up there, suspended over us like white scarves strewn about. It was kinda nice. But I'm glad I'm getting better (I hope).
I'm sorry to hear that you are under the weather, but I must say you made the absolute most of it! I always think that's what down time is for -- your body's way of making you stop, and take it all in. Feel better!
Thanks, Alicia. It's hard for me to stop and you're probably right. I bet my body has been asking me to for quite sometime now. It probably just got fed up, "Well, if you won't slow down, then you'll just have to STOP!"
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