Last night was our monthly Soup Night. I had so much fun, as always. Between the all the stories and laughter and snorting into my water glass while attempting a hiccup remedy that my husband was trying to teach me (involving pressing a butter knife against my forehead while simultaneously drinking), I realized (again) how much fun it is to just enjoy simple things like a meal with friends. Fun, frolic and being completely caught up in the moment is something I want to add to my life. I tend to be introverted and know that I dwell too much on the sadnesses and worries of the world (my own, and the world at large). I want to be more carefree! I want to have fun! I want to do silly things and be impulsive and remember that living isn't all about being super-responsible and that the world will not fall apart if I let my hair down and have a good time. Everything doesn't always have to be perfect~I don't have to try to be perfect!
Basking in the after-glow of a wonderful evening, I feel like more is possible. I want to be more on top of my blog for one thing. I LOVE reading other people's posts and seeing their beautiful photography...it's such a great way to connect with others who have similar interests. For instance, Deb's blog is incredibly fun to poke around in...what a creative girl! I've found all sorts of other great sites through hers. Then, there are two blogs I know I've mentioned before, but they are just so wonderful! The first is Alicia's blog it is WONDERFUL! I check it out every other day or so...it's like an online magazine and her style and ideas are so inspiring. And of course, one of the first blogs I ever happened upon, Alison's blog is like a vintage handbook...I love the way that Alison writes...completely real and true and poetically beautiful...Plus she is always on top of gorgeous little goodies near and far. By the way, if anyone can share with me how to add links to other people's pages on my blog, I would be grateful...I can't seem to sort it out!
Anyway, I digress. In addition to being more up-to-date on my blog, I want to be more up-to-date in my life! I want to take time for the simple pleasures that I miss half the time because I'm rushing from one task to another, if not in real-time than in my mind. I want to quiet my mind more. I want to take time to enjoy those moments that make you realize how alive you are.
I agree that it is important to take time to enjoy simple pleasures like silly times with friends, creamees, warm sunlight, the smell and sounds of leaves that have fallen from an oak tree, and the beauty in life in general. P.I.
oh, I can relate to this SO much. I don't want to dwell on anxieties. I so much want to be carefree and lighthearted. I'm still trying to work out HOW you do it?
PS - to set up links you need to edit your blog template. It looks daunting, but if you scroll down the code, you will come to a heading that says place your links here.
Yes, the "how" is a bit tricky, isn't it? I think (in my very limited time trying this) it really seems to help to re-train the brain. I sometimes have to force myself to stay on the couch relaxing when another part of me is reminding me of all the work I could/should be doing!
Thanks for the link info...I will check it out!
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