Saturday, September 08, 2007
Calling all Teen Altered Artists...

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Something Old, Something New...
I do plan to continue to post here off and on, but will try to keep this blog specifically set up for posts about vintage/homemaking type posts, along with any cottage-y ideas and inspirations. See ya over there (I hope!).
Monday, August 13, 2007
Falling in Love (at first site)...

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Doesn't it Seem...

Monday, August 06, 2007
Oh, I love it!

This site has such a creative idea to help save the elephants...recycled "poo" (sterilized) and made into stationary! My sister, Aimee, bought me a set for Christmas and I absolutely LOVE it. It's thick, heavy, and pretty and it helps elephants which I love.
Then I found this blog which is inspiring. The author is a journalist and lives in Toronto but is making all these green changes regardless of living in a big, commercial place. Often I have been guilty (am still at times) of thinking/saying, "Well, it would be easier to be green/live more sustainably if only I had a few acres in the country/worked less hours/had "green" friends, etc." Posters like this remind me that there is PLENTY I can be doing right here and right now, on my little 3/4 acre lot.
I also found this blog which is dedicated to doing one good thing after another...and then there are my old standbys: Simple Living and Mother Earth News.
So much inspiration~makes a girl's head spin...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Is There a Job for Me?

I know other people who dislike their jobs, but somehow they just keep plugging away at them, year after tedious year. In a way I envy those people. They know how to really make it stick. They know how to tough it out. When the going gets tough they don’t run away, resume flapping in hand. They stay put and meet the challenges head-on, or at least hibernate quietly until they are over. There must be a certain security that comes from that. A certain feeling of pride that they toughed it out, they didn’t let work get the best of them.
I’ve never had that feeling. When the days get rough, I start scanning the want ads. Maybe THIS time, it will be the right place. Maybe here it will be different… It never is. Of course, I rationally know that no place is perfect. There will never be a group of people that you completely get along with, never a place with extra high staff morale and positive, thrilling work that excites you everyday. I know this, rationally. But some part of me keeps thinking Is this it, then? This is the best it’s going to be? Really? Because some whimsical, unrealistic, dreamy part of me doesn’t want to believe it. Doesn’t want to believe that work means lists of menial tasks, coworkers who don’t share your point of view (or any opinions other than their own), and sleepy afternoons when you want to lay your head down on your keyboard and have a nap (or a good cry). Part of me refuses to believe that work has to feel like drudgery and that bosses can treat you like a gnat, change the rules at any given moment and then wait for you to smile and nod your approval. Part of me can’t believe that for the next thirty-odd years, this is life. Bland space, windows that won’t open, bosses who don’t respect, desk drawers that stick, coworkers moans rising in unison, nominal raises with a pat on the head. Can it really be true? Is it too much to ask for work that makes you feel fulfilled and proud? A job that gives a little back when you put so much into it? Long vacations and well wishes? Color and light and beauty and fulfillment?
Maybe in fact, it is too much to ask. But you know what? I’m asking anyway.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
A Farm Girl Extravaganza...

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Simply Amazing...

Wow~this family is incredible. A husband, wife and 2 y.o. daughter have decided to live without electricity, modern indoor plumbing, and to avoid contributing to CO2 waste by not using transportation other than their own feet-all this in New York City, consumerism capital of the northeast! The blog is aptly called LowImpactMan.
I have to say as I was reading it last night, it got my little wheels spinning. Now, first of all, I wouldn't want to do something this drastic right at this point in my life for an entire year...but could I do it for a day? A week? I mentioned it to my husband who's first (common sense) thought was "What will we do with all the food in the fridge/freezer?" Hmmmm, good point. This started me thinking about cooking in general-how does this family eat hot foods? Or don't they? Do I have that many sandwich recipes in my repertoire? I had a quick image of me hauling a cast iron fry pan out to the backyard fire ring after work... But the family doing the one year experiment started with just a week, so there must be a way, right?
I've also been ultra-inspired by The Compact which, for those of you who haven't heard of it, is a group of people in California who began a one-year experiment to try to live with just the bare necessities: Food, hygiene products (Toilet paper, etc.), and underwear. There's a story about it here by USA Today. That's it~no new anything else. They are allowed to purchase from thrift stores or obtain used things through craigslist.org or freecycle.org. Personally, because they are able to buy used, it doesn't seem like it would be a very hard challenge...but then, you don't see ME running to sign up! It would be much more difficult to not BUY anything for a year, except the aforementioned food, hygiene items and underwear. But THAT is a little extreme for me. I wonder though....
Go check out LowImpactMan..this blog is fascinating and there are lots of great links on the blogroll...even if you aren't especially interested in simple living, this blog is very intriguing and well-written. Take a peek!
Friday, July 20, 2007
I Have a Feeling...

Monday, July 16, 2007
Living Authentically...

My ego is very fragile. Sometimes it thinks that what other people think/have/do/say is of the utmost importance. My values are pretty strong and basic: I want time to make meaningful connections with family and friends. I want to take time to savour life, not live it on auto pilot. I want to make a difference in the world-make this a better journey for another being. I want to love more and worry less. I want to appreciate all I've been given and not spend much time at all wishing things were different/better/easier. I want to live simply and passionately and completely alive.
I have been bombarding myself with material in this area: Watching my "Affluenza" tape (a show about paring down and living more simply and better), finally seeing "An Inconvenient Truth", and reading voraciously any books/magazines/message boards on living better on less and leaving some resources for some of the other billions of people I share the planet with.
I think what is hardest of all, for me, is the fact that 97% of the people I know are NOT interested in simple living/questioning materialism/environmentalism, and making the world a better place. That sounds awful~I don't mean that I am better than anyone else because I am interested in those things. There are plenty of people who do WAY more than I do in one or all of the above mentioned subjects who would probably look at ME as a bad example for any of the four....
I guess what I mean really is this: I don't want to live for things anymore. I don't want my life to be about buying things/cleaning things/organizing things, working a job I don't particularly like to pay for more things, etc. I want my life to be filled up with so many simple, beautiful pleasures that I don't have to look to a store or an online shop to try to find what will make me happy. I want to make some changes, but this time slowly, deliberately and with much love and care. It's nothing I need to rush or force or hurry myself to do. I think I know deep down what is most important and what isn't and I will take the time I need to uncover those things for myself.
A Big, Busy World...
The concept is this: 30 families from around the world place all their possessions in front of their homes, and the photographer snaps a photo. It's an interesting concept, but what is most fascinating to me is the personal information about the family and the statistics about the family and country they live in. For instance, while reading every single entry I noticed that each family of 3-10 lived in a much smaller living space than I do. MUCH smaller in some circumstances. And I truly don't think my house is all that big! As a matter of fact, I feel embarassed to admit how many hours of my life I have spent wishing my house were "different" and "improved" and how much time I've spent worrying about how I can remodel/change/make it better.
I think what the book does most for me is puts things in perspective and helps me to see really and truly, how connected we all are on this planet. It helped me to see I had things in common with women living on the other side of the world...little things that I never would have known about. It also showed me the differences: The freedoms and luxuries that I have every single day that other women don't have. It was completely eye-opening and I hope you will check it out for yourself.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
A Few New Things...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Seeing it New...

Yesterday I brought my camera to work with me and kept it with me all day; on my morning walk at break, at lunch, even at my desk. It was amazing how many interesting photos I got during an "average" day.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It's in the Bag...

Monday, June 04, 2007
A Bit of Paint Here (and here, and here...)

Thursday, May 31, 2007
A Bit of Excitement...

Above is a photo I'm playing with in Photoshop Elements. I'm going to be taking a class (I think) in July to learn more about this program. I've had it installed for about a year and I just can't seem to make myself sit down and read all about what it can do. I'm really excited to learn more about it~I think it will be a great asset to my altered art projects.
Speaking of which...I'm entering a contest to design a logo for a physical therapy group. I'm not quite sure what I' m doing yet; just playing with ideas at this point. It is at times like this when I really wish I had mastered a graphic design program like InDesign. I dabble with it here and there at work, but I'm about, oh, 40 pages into the manual! There is SO much it can do and I haven't even scratched the surface yet. I'm such a hands on learner though...reading about something just doesn't do it for me most of the time.
Well, I have the house to myself tonight and I'm off to play in my creative room...wish me luck!
A Bit of a Long Time Coming...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Spring Sale (continued)...

A Little Spring Sale...

The next item is absolutely adorable! This little porcelin doll body is planted right on top of a silky pin cushion. She's approx. 7" high. She's in perfect shape and would look lovely on your sewing table or maybe on a shelf holding some antique hat pins! The cost for the pincushion is also $15.00 plus shipping.

This little seashell pink dish is absolutely beautiful! It's fully covered with tiny, delicate seashells, bits of silver glitter and measures approx. 3" x 5". The inside is painted a delicate gold. The cost of this beautiful little dish is $10.00 plus shipping. Please contact me at chicchickbiz@yahoo.com if you are interested in any of these items. Thanks!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Where Does Time Go...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wonderful Woman...
Also, if you are an animal lover, be sure to visit the Humane Society of the United States . The annual Seal Hunt has begun again and they are desperately trying to stop this cruel practice. Plus, it's just a great place to check out...they are trying so hard to help animals everywhere.
Friday, April 06, 2007
The Dentist...
Next the dentist comes in...supposedly I have some problem with a bit of my jaw missing (I know, imagine MY surprise!) possibly from a not-very-well-done root canal many years ago. So this man who I have seen once before in my life, comes breezing in and frowns at me. "You have a huge hole in your head. If you don't go immediately for oral surgery you will lose your tooth. You may lose more than one." I, in a quiet panic, am struck mute. "See this opoppoijoiust region here?" He points aimlessly at a grey portion of my x-ray, "this is your sceotopitiso. Why, it's nearly gone! It's probably full of inflammation and disease. It is most likely oozing pus into your mouth, even if you can't notice it." I mention that I really haven't been feeling any pain in this area, that it's been this same way for several years. "Bah! You have that surgery or you'll be sorry!" (Exit, dentist). It's little cause for wonder why dentists are so hated. I once read that dentists have the highest suicide rate of all professions. Now, as I lay there in my squeaky, plastic covered chair, I thought I could maybe understand a few of the reasons why.
1) Have you ever noticed how god-awful the wallpaper is at the dentist? Is there some horrible wallpaper store specifically for dental offices out there?
2) Terrible, terrible music, made worse only by the accompanying sound of high pitched drilling and the "ughhhhh, uuuughghhghghhhh" of the poor person the drill is attacking.
3) Hygenists who poke your mouth with sharp instruments repetitively, and then ask you why your gums are bleeding.
4) The strange, sickly sweet peppermint/cherry/latex smell, hovering in the air.
In the end I asked for a copy of my x-ray and a second opinion. I think I saw my dentist wipe his eye on the hem of his blue coat before pasting on a grin and accepting his next victim into the chair...
Saturday, March 24, 2007
To Cut or Not to Cut...

I'm so excited~I want to try something else! Now, where can I find some more scarves???
Friday, March 23, 2007
Oh, What Fun...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Artful Mail...

Sunday, March 18, 2007
A Lovely Day Out...

Thursday, March 15, 2007
I should be in bed...

Monday, March 12, 2007
What You Think About...