I'm grateful for:
- A fabulous and sexy husband who still makes me weak in the knees sometimes, makes me laugh hard and listens to me like I'm the only person in his world
- A wonderful family, including 3 older sisters who have the best sense of humor and fabulous taste in everything
- Friends who always know when to ask "Is everything ok?" when it definitely is not
- Pets who are cuddly and snuggly and sweet without even trying
- All 5 of my senses
- A healthy body and an often creative mind
- Our home for which I have a renovation list 1 mile long, and which honestly looks just fine the way that it is
- Music
- Snow
- Hot showers and baths
- Nature and fresh, cold air
- All the agencies and people who are out there, doing good things for causes I believe in like the Humane Society, the Greyhound Rescues, Homeless Shelters, Soup Kitchens, Adoption Agencies, and organizations trying to stop injustices all over the world
- A job in which I feel appreciated and that is close to home with generous bosses
- The realization that I'm fine the way I am (still working on this one)
- A soft, warm bed
- The ability to express parts of myself through writing, creating, drawing/painting, and playing
- The happiness that simple things still, and will always bring
- Hot coffee or tea
- The beauty that is all around me
- Toes and fingers
- Sunshine
- My spirit~which always fights for the underdog
- Fresh bread warm from the oven
- Holidays
What are some of yours?
Happy, happy Thanksgiving!
What a lovely list! Who did you get for your Vintage swap?
Thank you for having the giveaway, Deb. It made it so much fun to bring up my favorite holiday memories...I should have added that to my thankfulness list...that I have great holiday memories!
I can't tell! But I will say this...it's someone in a warmer climate than myself and it will be shipped out tomorrow or Monday. I hope they like everything! It was fun putting it all together...
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