Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Somerset Submission...

Ok everyone~here it is! This is the piece that I created for Somerset Studio involving a favorite female literary figure. As I posted before, I absolutely love Emily Dickinson and I based this creation on one of my favorite poems of her's called "Funeral in my Brain". It took me awhile to get this together, but I'm pretty happy with the end product. The submission deadline isn't for awhile yet, but I am going to try to get this out in the mail pretty soon (it's making me nervous, looking at it!).

I used a mini-cigar box for the container and cut away parts of sides to make it look more like a hardcover book. I've used found objects (glass, brass ring, etc.) to give it an interesting twist...and I used this antique marooon velvet because (sigh) my macabre side just thought it looked perfect to line a casket. When I finished the first stage it looked way too dreary...I'm usually very colorful in my creations, so it was hard to do all this black and maroon. I added in the yellow after, to give some contrast.

It was so fun putting this together, and it makes it more...I don't know, special/fun/exciting thinking that other people are going to see it and that it might, just maybe possibly, have a chance at being chosen for the magazine. Keep your fingers crossed!


jungle dream pagoda said...

This is wonderful ! it has put me in the mood for poetry books the next time we go to the library .

ChicChick said...

Thank you! I'm glad it's inspired your poetic side...

Anonymous said...

What is this all about, my friend?
