Thursday, August 10, 2006

A New Job...

Well, I had quite a busy start to my week! I got a call for an interview at an architectural firm for the position of marketing assistant/front desk assistant. I went for the interview, got the job and started yesterday~it was a whirlwind! This is through a temp agency and I was SO pleased to get something in the design/marketing field, as well as something that is temp to hire. If it works out well and I like it and they like me, then in just over 3 months I could be hired on as staff. This week has been just crazy...the girl who is leaving the job is trying to train me (about 2 years worth of information in 2 days) and I feel so...depleted in the evenings. But I think it will be interesting and challenging, once I actually know what I'm doing and feel slightly competent. I wish she was staying though! It would be fun to work with someone who is so positive and full of energy.

Most days, I must admit, I feel about 50+ and can hardly make it through a workday anymore without a few daydreams about a little nappy helping me through the afternoon. But daydreams are all they are, as I'm now at work during nap time. I miss working at home and getting most of my work done super early, then retiring for a short nap with Peeka and Spazzi and Magoo for an afternoon siesta...but I'm extremely grateful for this new job and will try hard to make a go of it.

I have to say though, that my dreams of becoming a graphic designer are causing me have second thoughts. I see some of the work that the graphic designer, a very chic young woman at this office does, and it doesn't seem as appealing and exciting or creative as I had imagined. Anyway, I'm planning to sign up for Graphic Design I this fall, and hopefully find out more about this field. My ultimate goal would be to work freelance, or possibly in a part-time job and do something else the rest of the time, but it takes a lot of experience and talent to do this.

And now, it's off for some quiet reading and maybe a quick walk with the little Peeka-pooch before I start to get ready for bed...getting up at 5:30 is more of a struggle each day!


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