Ok, I just told my friend Suzanne who hasn't been to my blog yet, that I never talk about work on here. BUT I just
have to make this one exception.
I'm currently looking for a new job/career/calling and I find that thinking about it is just
there. It's not something I purposefully have to think about, it's just always on the back burner of my inner mind-stove. Sometimes I feel like it's about to boil over (when I let my inner obsessive-compulsive nature take over) and other times it is like a slow simmer, barely bubbling.
The problem is this: I love being creative. I love working part-time at home/alone and part-time with nice/creative/funny people. However, in all my many jobs, I've never seemed to find that mix. Oh, yes, and let's not forget that I also like to be paid enough to buy groceries for my darling, myself and my furry little friends... and maybe have a little treat once a week or so. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and also I would like to travel while I'm still young enough to get around. And I would like a Vespa scooter and stockade fencing for my yard. But really. Is that too much to ask???
There are always certain parts of my jobs that I have hated and other parts I really liked. Well, ok. To be honest some jobs I've just hated for the most part. But really, there have been some great
pieces of past jobs. For example: I worked as a case manager for the elderly and I loved the freedom of setting my own schedule, being on the road most of the day and the variety of the work. Plus for the most part, I felt like I was really helping people. I didn't really care for the death/dying/end of life issues and stressed out family members who decided that I would make the absolute perfect whipping boy (or girl, as the case may be). I also had a really hard time dealing with the emergency abuse cases, etc. And so, burned out by case management and other people's problems, I decided after 3 years of CM that, secretarial work wasn't so bad.
Just thinking about all the different jobs I've had makes my head swim. Since I started working at age 15 here is a condensed list:
Babysitter, data entry clerk, flyer folder (hey, I needed gas money!), dishwasher, buffet hostess, salad girl, house cleaner, video store clerk, clothing store clerk, secretary, veterinary assistant, daycare aide, secretary for DUI program (
that was fun!), case manager, eligibility specialist, dog groomer (2 days and dogs tried to bite/sit on me!), medical transcriptionist, and office assitant. I think I'm forgetting some... That is 19 jobs in 14 years which averages 1.357 jobs per year! Of course, a lot of these were summer or part-time positions (thank God!). It does make me wonder though....Is my perfect career possibly, just maybe, being on vacation?