Or lack thereof. I have been feeling so unmotivated to create anything lately, especially Victorian themed items for the tea that's coming up in just two weeks time. I think it might be because I know I have to make things for this, that I'm struggling with it.
Another issue is that I have been waiting on pins and needles to find out if I got the position I interviewed for recently. It's been SUCH a long wait since I found out my current job was "going away" this month...I found out two weeks before Christmas and still don't know what is next for me. I'm not one of those people who does well with having loose ends, things left up in the air, etc. I like things cut and dried and decisions made already!
Well, this is certainly not the inspirational and fun post I was hoping for! At least I can share some photos of an altered book I made a bit ago. This was for a class that I was supposed to teach at the local scrapbooking store, however no one signed up, so I didn't end up teaching this class. It was still an absolute joy (no pun intended!) to make. I LOVE collage and mixed media and all things scrappy and colorful!
oh how this resonates within me right now. HAVING to create seems to takes away a bit of the magic out of the process for me. Not that i don't still ENJOY my work, but it feels less free and wild, which is a big part of the process that brings me joy!
I hope you get to position that fits you the most comfortably and puts you on the path you should follow to your own peace and bliss!
If you are willing to part with your mailing addy, i would love to post a little pick-me-up to you. :) Just drop me an e-mail if you are interested in some snail mail. :) mamayaga@andabutton.com
Thank you, Amanda. You're sweet! I just sent you an email...cheeky girl!
hmmm......wonder why it bounced. Try this one:
hope you are having a lovely day! I just returned from thriftin', and bought two big boxes of fabrics and scraps...can't wait to delve into it and see just what i got! :)
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