Wow~It's been a long time since I've posted...sorry girls! I hope some of you are still out there; Deb thanks for the post, I have been really busy as you assumed.
The Victorian Tea was a big success! We raised $430.00 for Shared Hope International (www.sharedhope.org) and had about 20 people come! It was really great~the only negative was that I forgot my camera! I know, I know. I couldn't believe it either, and unfortunately I only realized it when it was time to start serving the tea...no time to run home! Several ladies showed up in beautiful bonnets of their own, and a friend came dressed in full Victorian dress! She won the prize for most embellished hat. It was so wonderful...
I've been playing a little bit with my pretty new acrylic paints...I've never had any formal art training and I'm looking forward to taking a painting class at the university where I work this fall. I feel a deep, strong, craving for color lately. I found some pretty thrift store spring tops which I snapped up a couple weeks ago but the craving continues...
Thanks to everyone who keeps checking back, I'll try to be more consistent with my posting! :)
Yay!!! So happy to see you back!!!
Did package ever arrive?
How is it going n your beautiful shop?
Hi Amanda! I'm glad there you girls are still out there and didn't give up hope I'd return! :)
The shop opens this weekend...I can't wait! I will try to take some pics of the Open House!
oooh, i can't wait to see the shop! i just know it will be wonderful! :)
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