I have decided to do it. I'm going cold turkey. As hard as it is to even imagine, I'm going on a media diet. No HGTV. No home decorating magazines. No craft magazines. This is a very scary and interesting proposition.
I feel like I can't get enough lately. I try to feel grateful for all I have (which is plenty!) but all my little mind keeps taking note of is what I DON'T have. Do you feel this way? Maybe it's the time of year. I'm not sure, but I know that the "gimmes" feel much stronger when I watch my favorite home decorating and craft shows. I know that after flipping through a home decorating magazine and seeing all the perfection, what I have seems like so much less. I don't like this! I don't like being that way~I've got gobs to be grateful for!
I am grateful for my creativity, my ability to make something out of nearly nothing. I 'm grateful for my husband and family, my pets, a healthy body, my home, steady pay, friends, beauty all around me and life. I want to focus on what I HAVE and not what is missing.
The media feeds us with a constant desire. I think part of the reason we never feel like enough (not a good enough wife, not a perfect mother, not a perfect employee, not a good enough friend) is because we are trained by the media to be what "they" (being magazine models and fake happy people) should be. It's not enough. I want to live my own life my own way. Imperfect? Sure. But perfectly ME...that's what I'm striving for.
Anyone joining me?
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