Sunday, February 11, 2007


This is the project I've just completed. I'm very pleased with the end result. It's called "Metamorphosis" Can you guess what it's about? :)

I have never used hardware cloth before, but have to say that I really love it. It's a bit tricky to work with (stiff and very sharp...use gloves if you want to incorporate it into one of your projects), but it provided just the look I wanted.


Anonymous said...

I Love it! It is you for sure. What are you going to do with it? Pam-Pam

Heidi said...

Wow. That's really powerful. The "prison" of the wire really makes an impact.

ChicChick said...

Thank you both~this is something that evoked a lot of emotion in me while I was sketching it out~seeing it in 3-D is amazing! I'm not sure what I will do with this piece in the end, but for now I want it in my will be a fantastic reminder to me of what creative adventure brings me...

imwithsully said...

Love this idea! I am going to add your blog to my list of favs on my site. Kim