Monday, February 26, 2007

An Inspiring Day...

Wow~how beautiful is this place? Friday I was lucky enough to get to attend the Helen Day Art Center (as seen above) for a "Futures in Art" conference that my friend Suzanne told me about. She wasn't able to make the conference (waaah!) but I contacted the woman in charge and made my arrangements. What a day! I can't believe how wonderful it was to listen to other artists, some working in the field, some aspiring...I felt so connected and just this deep "thrum" of excitement.

It was a gorgeous day and the sunlight was just perfect for taking some outdoor photos during lunch. Plus, (I'm embarrassed to admit it) I felt too shy to sit with the other conference attendees...even though it would have been a great time to network and learn even more. I had that "new kid at school" type feeling...would someone see me coming and put their books on the chair next to them? Cowardly, yes. But it was nice to get some fresh air and a little quiet time to process everything I had learned during the morning session.

Here are a few of the most important things I learned (or was reminded of):

1) Organic Education is extremely important (i.e. one doesn't necessarily need formal art education to be a great artist, but they do need to be exposed to great art/artists).

2) Having a support system of other artists is very important.

3) You must become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

4) What you put out there will come back to you.

The statements above (loosely paraphrased) were from a professor and head of art at University of Vermont who also mentioned his core beliefs which I strongly agree with. They are:

a. People are happier doing what they like-this is possible for everyone if they choose
b. We have an obligation to make the world a better place
c. Talent may not make you a success. You will still have to deal with the clumby process of finding your own way.

I AGREE! Especially with "We have an obligation to make the world a better place." I think that is one way that I can feel justified and "useful" making art...sometimes I feel that it's too frivolous, or others infer that it's not a worthwhile use of time...I beg to differ!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Vintage Treasures...

I have been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and look at the lovely treasures I'm parting with! My loss is someone else's gain, right? Plus I am feeling lighter having de-cluttered a bit...check them out on my ebay site if you want to snap up an item or two...

We have put off our big anniversary trip until next this weekend I'm dedicating to organizing and tidying and crossing things off the to-do list!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Heidi~You're the winner! Luckily (because of the pretty posie I bought) I have your mailing address and will send this out tomorrow.

Thanks for participating everyone! I'm sure to be doing another giveaway in the future so stay tuned....

Monday, February 19, 2007

Snowy Weekend and a Pretty Posie...

What a snowy, snowy weekend! This is a photo I took at Jay Peak, a northernmost mountain located in the eastern part of Vermont. My husband went downhill skiing, I decided to snowshoe. Needless to say, after 20 minutes on an unbroken trail, I was a bit fatigued. I fell through the snow in many places. I don't know if you've ever been in snow so deep that when you fall through it comes completely up to your thigh but it is a bit alarming. A panicky voice in my head tried to tell me that I would be out there all night, as I seemed to be the only person on the trail, but I shushed it and dug my leg out with my frozen hands. Ahhh, winter...

Decidedly un-wintery is this lovely little felted posie I bought from Heidi. I LOVE it! It is much more beautiful in person than in my photo...and her bags? Scrumptious! Check out her etsy site and buy a little treat for yourself!

Now, I should give an update on the "big giveaway". I forgot all about a cutoff date, which we definitely need. I am going to draw the name on Wednesday evening and get the little package all ready to ship out on Thursday. IF by chance, I do not have your mailing address and you aren't able to get it to me by Thursday morning, I will probably not be able to ship until next Monday. We are away this weekend (romantic anniversary trip~yay!) so I won't be able to make it to the post office till then. Keep your fingers crossed ladies....are you holding your breath?!

Friday, February 16, 2007

A Chic Chick Giveaway...

"Our grand business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." ~Thomas Carlyle

Here it is blogettes, my very own Chic Chick anniversary giveaway. This is a piece I created using a 5x7 mat board and lots of acrylic paint. Unfortunately, the photos don't show the ribbons of silver paint throughout the piece that really make it beautiful...I added a metallic silver ribbon for hanging and covered the back in soft brown corduroy.
Now for the rules:
You must comment on this blog and you Must (with a capital "M"!) tell us what quote you find most inspiring.
I will put all the names of respondants into a pretty jar and draw the winner (no peeking, I promise!).
PS This is not the quote I find MOST inspiring, but it is in the top 5...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

And it Snowed, and Snowed, and Snowed....

Wow~what a storm! It felt like a scene from "Storm of the Century", that creepy Stephen King movie...

Brrr...not only did it snow, and snow and snow, but it blew too! The wind was whipping this morning as we tried to clear our car and truck out for work. I miss snowdays so much, but no shutdown at work for us!

I feel so sad thinking about all the animals having to be in these elements 24/7. I felt a little better after I brushed a ton of fluffy white snow from the bird feeders...just a few minutes about 30 birds descended to gobble up some sunflower seed breakfast.
I'm grateful tonight to be snuggled in with my sweetie and furry pets and a cozy fire...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Giveaway (from me to you)...

Well, I don't know if anyone here knows but I just won a beautiful surprise from Deb! I know! I'm so excited I can hardly sit mother would say I have "ants in my pants"...I think it's a little too cold for ants around here these days (is it above 0 yet?) but I am very excited and grateful to Deb for my nice surprise. Thank you again!

Did you know (I had to check back, I'd completely forgotten) that I'm celebrating my one year anniversary of blogging? I began this blog last year, on January 22nd. I had every intention of doing something special on the actual day (which is rather hard to do if one doesn't keep track of that special day isn't it?). It's not too late to do something now...Especially if that something has to do with a very special giveaway?
I'm working on a little something for one of loyal blogettes. I hope, hope, hope that there are still some of you out there? Even after my many moves? If not a lot, I know at least 3 of you who will be entered into the drawing....or should it be a contest of sorts? Hmmmm, my tiny wheels are turning...

I'll keep you posted (no pun intended!) and will post "The Item" as soon as it's complete.


This is the project I've just completed. I'm very pleased with the end result. It's called "Metamorphosis" Can you guess what it's about? :)

I have never used hardware cloth before, but have to say that I really love it. It's a bit tricky to work with (stiff and very sharp...use gloves if you want to incorporate it into one of your projects), but it provided just the look I wanted.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I did it!

I did it! I did it! I finished my take on "Nature Preserved" for the upcoming submission deadline at Somerset Studio! Whew~what a load off my shoulders seem to have raised 3 inches since I dropped my envelope in the mail this morning.

I debated for a long time on whether or not to try to ship the whole shebang to the studio, but in the end (after all the hours of work!) decided it wasn't worth the risk. I just couldn't think of a way to package everything so it wouldn't end up in a crunched up in shambles at the bottom of the packing box.

I am calling this "Bits of Heaven" because, being a true crunchy and avid nature-lover, that is what I feel when I'm out in nature here is just a bit of a preview of what heaven will be like.

My original thought when I sketched this project out was to have each box hanging horizontally on a branch (one of the two shown in the photo) but the boxes ended up a bit larger and more flexible than I thought and I don't think the end result would have been pretty. So, I left each of the boxes seperate, but displayed them using the branches instead. I'm pretty pleased with the results!

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Pssst! Just to let you know I'm selling this marvelous lot of ephemera/mixed media/collage supplies on ebay. Room cleaning does have it's perks!

Follow Your Bliss...

1. supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss.
2. Theology. the joy of heaven.
3. heaven; paradise: the road to eternal bliss.
4. Archaic. a cause of great joy or happiness." (

When have you last felt bliss? Did you know bliss can also be a verb (blissed out)? I felt blissed out on Friday afternoon. I was home in the early afternoon, waiting for the furnace man to come and do the yearly cleaning. I had a nice roasted veggie sandwhich and then a hot cup of eggnog coffee for dessert (I realize that it's WAY past time to be drinking eggnog flavored coffee, but I love it too much to care).

I then spent some time running up and down the stairs between my creative room and my computer in the living room in my artistic endeavors. Scan. Run back upstairs. Cut and paste. Smooth out paper. Run back downstairs. Copy. Run back upstairs..."

I stopped and thought for a moment, as I sipped my hot coffee and looked out at the snow on the tree branches, "This is bliss. There is no where I would rather be right now, no one I'd rather be with than myself, nothing I would rather be doing than working on this creative project." I was filled to the brim with joy.

Even though I don't know where I'm going on this journey that is my life, I feel so, so grateful that I've added more creativity and passion into my life. There is still so much I want to do! So much I want to learn creatively, so many things I want to try, but I just feel so grateful and sure that I'm heading in the right direction. Not knowing where I will end up is unnerving...sometimes it's downright scary. But knowing that I'm going somewhere, that makes all the difference to me.

I want so much to make my living in a creative field, but I'm completely unsure which direction to go in. Graphic Design is very interesting to me; I like working with software and spending time alone working is quite pleasant most of the time. On the other hand, there is the helping side of me (the NF in my INFP/INFJ Myers-Briggs classification) that makes me feel like no work will be completely satisfying unless I can see that I'm helping a cause, doing something to make someone else's stay here a little better, be it a person or animal.

If I could have my dream job, what would it be? I'm still not sure, even after turning 30. But I know some things it would include: Creativity (obviously!), flexibility, problem solving, helping support a cause I believe in, fairly good income, the ability to work at home at least part-time, the ability to work alone most of the time, with positive interaction with others, autonomy, beauty all around, fun, work that I feel passionate about. Roll all those things up into a career and what do you have?

I'm not sure, but I'll let you know what I find out...

Friday, February 02, 2007

Got it!

I FINALLY figured out how to do it! YAY! Now I have about a gazillion links to add...whew, this blogging stuff is hard work!

I'm Back Baby(ies)!

Well, ok. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry to do this once again, but I finally had to just do away with my computer security system as I wasn't able to upload photos on a number of sites which was just driving me absolutely bonkers! I could have kept the Wordpress site, but I noticed that you are only allowed a bit of memory and when it was used up (which happens quickly with lots of photos like I have) you have to buy more.

So, here we are; safe and sound back in our little blogger site. I hope you all will forgive my fickleness and stick around...I miss you when I don't hear from you! (Deb, I especially hope you will still link to me? Even though I'm fickle and flighty? I promise not to move again?!?!)

The photo above is a view from my kitchen window. Do you like the polka-dot canisters? I picked them up last year at IKEA when we were in Montreal for our anniversary trip. It was a fun, fun, fun time. We are planning to go again at the end of this month and are staying at a beautiful Victorian B&B. I will post photos when we get looks scrumptious!

I have been thinking that I need more than one blog to keep everything organized, tidy and pertinent for readers. I am going to be working on setting up another blog (or two) here on blogger, so keep checking back, ok?

Also, does anyone who has time and patience, know how to add favorite links to the sidebar? I can't seem to figure it out. One fellow blogger told me a long time ago but I couldn't understand what she meant...any ideas?
Have a wonderful, winter afternoon!