Sorry, I can't believe I haven't posted since the 8th~yikes! This month is FLYING by...I have been off work since July 14th and will be going back tomorrow. I'm betting it will be a hard transition, which is probably why I've been feeling a little sad today...
Anyway, here is a picture of a painting I made of a pretty red tomato. One thing I LOVE about painting and drawing is that it makes you really SEE things, things you normally might not even notice. With watercolor painting in particular, you have to be really careful to "leave the white in" while you are painting. "Real" watercolor painters supposedly look down on using the white watercolor paint in any form. It's hard to do this though!
I just posted this painting, along with some other things on my Etsy shop (http://chicchickbiz.etsy.com). I've also been working on some really pretty sparkly earrings that I'll be posting there soon...check it out!
This painting of the tomato made me think of my vegetable garden which is not doing quite so well this year. I think I should have composted again, but put my seeds in so late that I didn't take the time to do it. We are just now getting a few "Yellow Gold" cherry tomatos~they are completely delicious though, so I shouldn't complain. Well, it will just give me more of a chance to visit the local farmer's market and nearly-organic farmstand nearby.
Hope you all have a relaxing Sunday evening and a wonderful start to your week tomorrow.
Thanks Deb! I will be posting again this weekend. I've missed you all!
I'll email you about Etsy asap.
Take care!
Hey Joy,
It is Pam aka Nancy. I love the tomato! I hope to see you post more.
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