Here is the quick synopsis:
Class Number One: YAY! Watercolor paints, paper and all sorts of information on brushes, various techniques, etc.~what fun!
Class Number Two: Paint will not go where I want it. Paint goes everywhere I don't want it. Paper curling and buckling, creating little pools of paint and water everywhere. UGH! Homework:First watercolor painting (see above).
Class Number Three: Felt fairly smug (thought masking of birch trees pretty clever, as well as pretty leaves/branches), and one other student a definite beginner like me, so no worries. Well, didn't this other student pull out at least EIGHT beautiful watercolor paintings! I couldn't believe that she hadn't painted before. I felt a very sick feeling in my tummy and that horrible feeling from grade school that I hadn't done my homework properly. I waited and ooohed and ahhed over everyone else's work somehow hoping that the teacher would forget all about me. But no, he asked if I could show my pieces. I dragged out my tree painting (which I once thought was pretty, now looked hideous to me). He "hhhmmmm'd" and asked what I liked about the piece (Uhm, now that I see everyone else's...not much!). The final verdict of the class is that I'm trying to paint like I'm using acrylics in watercolor. Well, yes. I love acrylics! When you put them somewhere, they STAY! Also, it was determined (kindly) that I have a bit of a control issue. Um, yes. Definitely. My teacher suggested I loosen up, let someone order for me the next time at the creemee stand (gasp! and possibly not get my regular choc/van twist with sprinkles?), and have fun.
Well, easy for him to say. Giving up control, even of a creemee flavor, is a very tough homework assignment.
I'll keep you posted...
From one control freak to another...I think your first painting is awesome! And I applaud you for trying something new. In the past couple years I have taken up running, knitting, blogging, and Lord knows what else! It's what keeps us control freaks interesting!!
Hey Farmgirlcyn, thanks! As you can see from my newest post, I'm still controlling the paint (too much, my teacher says) but I LIKE that! I'm trying to be free and let go of my control issue ways this week (only my painting ones though)...I'll post my results if they aren't too scary! :)
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Beautiful painting and color combination alltogether luvley painting..gudluck vt ur paintings hope to c more of ur work.
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