Good morning everyone! It's before 6:00 and I'm up and ready to face the (rainy) day. My teacher told me this week that in the past 35 days, it's rained 28!
Speaking of my teacher, he again chided me for not painting like I'm painting with watercolors. The truth is, I'm not sure I even like watercolor painting~but I will try this week to really "get messy" and let things run together and see what happens.
The first painting above (the more watercolor looking one) was based on a photo~it's alright. But, the underneath it, the one with the bright flowers (though these really look much brighter and more vibrant in real life), I like! However, my instructor said that I'm controlling the paint too much and suggested I spritz the whole painting with water~AGH!
I know quite a few of you are the creative types...what are your favorite mediums to work with?
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