It's good to be back fully, blogettes. I've missed you all...many times throughout the day I would think of something silly or pretty or inspiring to write about here, but then, with a huge sigh of disappointment would remember that there would be no photos to accompany my post...but he's a genius!
So, these are the fairy gomother pins I made for the fairy godmothers in my life this year for Christmas. The top three are my three older sisters and the one in the little yellow dress is a dear friend. I'm the "So Sweet" fairy with the polka dots...I had to try out one first to make sure it would work!
These are all pins on the back side, though made out of heavy cardstock I told the girls to be careful if they really did wear them out. They would look cute on a bulletin board too, or on one of those photo memory boards.

They were so much fun to make and the girls really seemed to like them! I got the idea from a Cloth, Paper Scissors magazine (I LOVE it!) and the article was created by Art Girlz, who make absolutely adorable little pewter arms, legs, boots, crowns, etc., for these tiny dolls. I nearly bought these extras, but time and money ran out before I had a chance. Next time!
Wow~I just can't believe how great it is to be back! I have so many creative inspirations to share. For instance have any of you read this book: The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron? This is my third time borrowing it from the library, so I finally decided to buy it on Amazon. I'm on Chapter 2 so far (though I admit, I've already skimmed a few of the other chapters). It is so well written and there are these great ideas of projects to do each week. It does seem a little labor intensive (something I'm not sure I have time to tackle now with a spring college course coming up) but now that I've purchased it, I'm sure I can work on it more completely later on (hopefully, because procrastination does tend to be one my worst traits!). I also just finished reading The Joy Diet by Martha Beck. This was so inspiring, and of course as I'm sure you can imagine, not at all about dieting...just about adding more happiness, laughter and fun into your life. Finally, I ordered The New Creative Artist by Nita Leland...this looks GOOD! I can't wait until it gets here.
I'm rearranging my creative space as well...I'm really, really excited about this and hope that the changes will make it more appealing to me. There is something about having a room to myself that is on a floor other than the main floor; it makes it much harder to use!
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