Thursday, January 18, 2007
Pssst...come with me!
I've been working on a new space for my blog as I've been having so many problems posting pictures here. It may just be my new security system on the computer as others I know who have blogs here don't seem to be having similar problems, however, enough is enough! I'm a patient person, but I'm slowly beginning to fume when I click that little "image icon" and nothing happens!
Please join me at my new home I'll keep the tea kettle on~milk and sugar?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
What a Wonderful Year...
I had SUCH a wonderful birthday! We spent the night in a lovely little Bed & Breakfast and took a long, chilly walk in freshly falling snow the morning of my birthday. Then we returned to the sunroom for a breakfast of fresh baked cinnamon buns (yum!), lemon creme pancakes, soy sausage and fresh fruit. It was all so lovely. I spent a little time with my Somerset Studio magazine (incredibly beautiful creations in there!) then headed home after a brief visit to the local scrapbooking store for some new altered art supplies. (I'm attempting two of the upcoming "Call to Artists" in the Somerset magazine).
I spent a little quiet time when I got home, and unpacked~then it was time for my in-home massage in front of the warm fire. It was HEAVEN! After my massage I spent a little more time relaxing (with a cup of flavored coffee) and then hubby came home and gave me my "Big Gift" which was (dum dum dum dum~trumpet noises) a SCOOTER! I KNOW! I nearly fell over! It's so beautiful-shiny and lime green...I cannot wait to try it out, but have to wait for some warm weather. Wow~What a lucky girl I am! After a long time spent ooohing and ahhing over my gift we headed inside to get ready for dinner (tuna steak with wasabi and hoisen sauce and garlic mashed potatos YUM), then home for cupcakes and presents with one of my sister's and my mother-in-law. I took a pretty picture of my lovely cupcakes to share with you, but the problem has returned and I'm not having any luck posting photos yet again. (Sniff). I'm trying to be patient but I am really beginning to get frustrated!
Anyway, in all it was quite a perfect day an I feel SO grateful and happy that I could usher in my 30's in such a special way.
Monday, January 08, 2007
On Turning 30...
Well, it’s just about here. A new decade. New opportunities to do things a little differently, experiment, play, and return to myself. I’m excited about turning 30! So many people have told me (women especially) that their 30’s brought a new level of acceptance and self-love, along with more wisdom and independence.
I’ve learned a lot of important lessons in these past 29 years. Here are few of them:
~For the most part, people treat you as you allow them to. Being a victim isn’t pretty or healthy. If you want things to change-relationships to change, you must begin the work yourself.
~I’ve learned to try to listen to that still, small voice inside. It lets me know what’s right and what’s wrong, the next path to take, and when to say I’m sorry.
~I am way, way too hard on myself the majority of the time.
~I have to follow my own path. Other people may think I'm weird or crazy, but it’s essential to do what feels right to me. Let them think what they will, I'm being true to myself.
~Always remember where you came from, but don’t spend a lot of time wandering around back there. What’s done is done (old relationships, missed opportunities, mistakes). Learn from these lessons and move forward.
~Let your feelings out! Pushing down feelings and pretending they aren’t there doesn’t help anyone. Get those feelings, especially toxic ones out of your system. Don’t take them out on others, but get them out of your body. Hitting pillows or screaming in car work well!
~Find what makes YOU truly happy and add more of that to your life.
~Play isn’t just for children. Bored and stodgy people just think it is.
~Keep a dream list of things you want to do during your time here. Refer to it often and try to make as many of those dreams come true as you can.
~Help others.
~It’s impossible to be perfect. I’m focusing on being perfectly ME, imperfections and all.
~Learn to not care so much what “other people” think of you. (I’m still working on this one, it’s a biggie).
~Do things for the joy of it. Let your passion out, don’t hold it inside.
~Experience new things. Make life an adventure. When you look back on life what would you regret NOT doing? Do those things!
~No one can save you. No one can take perfect care of you. You have to give this gift to yourself.
~Challenge the negative, judging voice.
~Beauty is not frivolous, it is essential. Surround yourself with beauty and peace.
~Count your thousands of blessings whenever you can.
~Pray every day.
~I’ve learned to recognize that fear plays a major role in my life. I also have come to see that fear is what keeps me from the things I want. For a long time I thought if I kept my world “safe” by avoiding fear, it would go away. It doesn’t. It gets bigger and my world gets smaller every time I give into it. My motto for the next decade, and the rest of my life, is “Do What You Fear”.
~Love~yourself, others, nature, pets, simple pleasures, laughter, family, art, beauty, coffee, fresh baked bread, thunderstorms, starlight, a chorus of spring peepers, fresh sheets, trees, curtains blowing in the breeze, sunshine, moonbeams, snow, walks, ocean waves, flowers, words, music, books, hugs, chocolate, hot baths, freedom, memories, dreams, baking, movies, seasons, travel…and coming home.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
My Knight in Shining Armor...
It's good to be back fully, blogettes. I've missed you all...many times throughout the day I would think of something silly or pretty or inspiring to write about here, but then, with a huge sigh of disappointment would remember that there would be no photos to accompany my post...but he's a genius!
So, these are the fairy gomother pins I made for the fairy godmothers in my life this year for Christmas. The top three are my three older sisters and the one in the little yellow dress is a dear friend. I'm the "So Sweet" fairy with the polka dots...I had to try out one first to make sure it would work!
These are all pins on the back side, though made out of heavy cardstock I told the girls to be careful if they really did wear them out. They would look cute on a bulletin board too, or on one of those photo memory boards.

They were so much fun to make and the girls really seemed to like them! I got the idea from a Cloth, Paper Scissors magazine (I LOVE it!) and the article was created by Art Girlz, who make absolutely adorable little pewter arms, legs, boots, crowns, etc., for these tiny dolls. I nearly bought these extras, but time and money ran out before I had a chance. Next time!
Wow~I just can't believe how great it is to be back! I have so many creative inspirations to share. For instance have any of you read this book: The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron? This is my third time borrowing it from the library, so I finally decided to buy it on Amazon. I'm on Chapter 2 so far (though I admit, I've already skimmed a few of the other chapters). It is so well written and there are these great ideas of projects to do each week. It does seem a little labor intensive (something I'm not sure I have time to tackle now with a spring college course coming up) but now that I've purchased it, I'm sure I can work on it more completely later on (hopefully, because procrastination does tend to be one my worst traits!). I also just finished reading The Joy Diet by Martha Beck. This was so inspiring, and of course as I'm sure you can imagine, not at all about dieting...just about adding more happiness, laughter and fun into your life. Finally, I ordered The New Creative Artist by Nita Leland...this looks GOOD! I can't wait until it gets here.
I'm rearranging my creative space as well...I'm really, really excited about this and hope that the changes will make it more appealing to me. There is something about having a room to myself that is on a floor other than the main floor; it makes it much harder to use!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Where, or where can my photos be?
I'm sorry to vent here ladies, but really. Can this be any more annoying? I have the sweetest little fairy pins (who look suspiciously like some real-life fairy godmothers in my life) to show you and I can't get the blasted pictures on here!!!! UGH! Sometimes technology makes me want to cry...