My ego is very fragile. Sometimes it thinks that what other people think/have/do/say is of the utmost importance. My values are pretty strong and basic: I want time to make meaningful connections with family and friends. I want to take time to savour life, not live it on auto pilot. I want to make a difference in the world-make this a better journey for another being. I want to love more and worry less. I want to appreciate all I've been given and not spend much time at all wishing things were different/better/easier. I want to live simply and passionately and completely alive.
I have been bombarding myself with material in this area: Watching my "Affluenza" tape (a show about paring down and living more simply and better), finally seeing "An Inconvenient Truth", and reading voraciously any books/magazines/message boards on living better on less and leaving some resources for some of the other billions of people I share the planet with.
I think what is hardest of all, for me, is the fact that 97% of the people I know are NOT interested in simple living/questioning materialism/environmentalism, and making the world a better place. That sounds awful~I don't mean that I am better than anyone else because I am interested in those things. There are plenty of people who do WAY more than I do in one or all of the above mentioned subjects who would probably look at ME as a bad example for any of the four....
I guess what I mean really is this: I don't want to live for things anymore. I don't want my life to be about buying things/cleaning things/organizing things, working a job I don't particularly like to pay for more things, etc. I want my life to be filled up with so many simple, beautiful pleasures that I don't have to look to a store or an online shop to try to find what will make me happy. I want to make some changes, but this time slowly, deliberately and with much love and care. It's nothing I need to rush or force or hurry myself to do. I think I know deep down what is most important and what isn't and I will take the time I need to uncover those things for myself.
I also read that book. Pretty powerful. Congrats on your new plan. EVen if you don't know anyone personally who's trying to do the same thing, there's lots of us out here!
Thanks Heidi, for the reminder. I'm sorry I haven't been by your blog lately, I've been cutting back on my computer time a bit...thanks for staying with me!
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