I had had it with my hair. My natural blond was a little too natural and not blonde enough for me. I needed brightness. I wanted lightness and contrast. So I made an appointment with someone one of my sisters recommended. She had never actually been to this guy, but she'd seen his work on some of his coworkers and said he did an excellent, fantastic job.
I decided to be the guinea pig, have highlights and a cut and tell her about my results.
Well, needless to say it was the strangest, most uncomfortable haircut I've ever had. It turns out that my new hair stylist (also the owner of this salon) is a preacher-in-training and I got the benefit of listening to bits of different sermons it seems he works on continually throughout the day/his life. While I am Christian myself, I'm very uncomfortable being preached
at. So, when I stumbled out of the salon 2 and 1/2 hours(!) later, I was feeling pretty strange, like I had entered another world and was now re-entering my own.
The cut is cute, I love the highlights and it was very inexpensive. But I can't see putting myself through that every time I need a touchup.
The whole situation did make me think though (I love it when something unexpected happens to make you think, especially when it's something normally as mundane as getting one's hair done).
These questions made me think about a lot:
1) He has been doing hair over 25 years and doesn't consider it a "job". He has worked 3 days for the past 20 years(!) and I figure that his income must be good if he can afford to own a business and work only part-time. He asked why I wasn't doing what I wanted to do? What did I want to do?
2) We talked more about my job(s)...and the amount of moving around I have done. First as a secretary, then as a case manager in human services, then working part-time as a medical transcriptionist and simultaneously as a Data Resource Specialist (basically updating a database for a non-profit), and now back to being a secretary. He asked me something: Picture yourself at 90; What do you want to be able to say that your life was about?
3) If your a Christian, does anyone know it? Do you just slump around in life and complain about your situation? Does that attitude make anyone you know want to be Christian?
Now, granted I don't like looking at some of these questions...their a little uncomfortable in them selves. I didn't like the presentation of the questions either. I like to discuss things, learn things...gently, not have someone trying to stick ideas in my face when I'm trapped in a squishy salon chair with bleach all over my hair and dangerously close to my eyes! But I will think about these questions and why it is that I've come full-circle job-wise and still don't really know where I'm going...