What is a bakeover you ask? It's a delicious, scrumptious Farm Girl Feast! I am completely and totally smitten with Mary Janes Farm www.maryjanesfarm.com. I love the message boards and the website and just recently was offered (and am hoarding) a copy of the spring issue of MJ's magazine my sister Faith loaned me. Hence the Bakeover...It's so simple! Saute up a batch of fresh veggies, add a little tofu or cheese if you desire, make a quick crust to bake on top and viola! A tasty and nutritious meal in just about 30 minutes.
I'm a true Farm Girl at heart...Someday I want to have a big old farmhouse (yellow with black and white trim and a red door), acres of land to create an animal sanctuary (for abused/neglected farm animals and dogs and cats alike), goats to mow my yard and chickens to lay organic eggs. I want a big fireplace with a comfy couch to curl up on after a long day working outside in the garden. I want to grow a patch of lavender and have lilac trees so thick that when you walk through the grove of them the incredible smell makes you lose your breath, and all thoughts of time.
What about you??? Are you a true Farm Girl or a City Slicker? Do you enjoy lunching at an expensive restaurant in a metropolitan area or throwing together a quick picnic to enjoy under the trees or stars? Do you love aprons, or find them restrictive? Cast your vote here, I'm anxious to find out! :)
i think i swing like a pendulum between the two sides! I spent a large part of my childhood on a farm, and it has shaped a big part of my way of thinking/looking at the world. I am attempting to grow some of my own veggies this year in addition to my annual herb gardening. I like to shop at the local farmer's markets, and needless to say, i LOVE aprons! LOL! I even have plans to go pick wild blackberries soon, so that my mother can "Officially" pass the knowledge of canning on to me this summer!
However, i DO love to eat at good restaurants whenever i get a chance! Going out for sushi is a treat that i long for almost daily! And i love to visit the swanky little specialty shops that i never can afford as well.
So i guess i have equal parts counrty mouse AND city mouse in me! LOL!
I agree Amanda, as much as I love being a farm girl, I also adore sushi and love to go to Montreal or even our largest city here in Vermont, Burlington, and stroll through the art museums and go to cultural events...things that make you pause and really THINK. :)
I'm a bit of both, I guess. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to flea market/junk/estate sale/tag sale...but...there is a side to me that loves a new dress! I would prefer to dress in all vintage, but it is hard to come by at reasonable prices. I am also a participant in MJF Connections, and have gleaned much from the well-informed farm girls there. We have 1 1/2 acres in the midwest, with a hen house in the final stages of completion. Can't wait for my own organic eggs! We have a veggie garden and a rather large flower garden. Can't seem to get enough of those things! I really enjoyed my visit to your blog!
Hi Farmgirlcyn~I'm so glad you stopped by! I too am looking forward to the day when I can raise some organic hens...have you ever seen the blue eggs? I'm not sure what type of chicken lays them but our local natural food store has them and I love them! They are so pretty it's hard to break the shells! :) I hope to have 5 chickens and 2 goats someday.
Hi J!
Loved your soup nite; thanks for inviting me. P probably told you we made it safely to our destination using a trip tik. (AAA)Since I was a little unsure of my map-reading abilities, I stopped at AAA before leaving town in SB and had the exits circled. Getting off at exit 32 instead of 31 is not an advanture I want and we had a lot of route changes!
Anyway, the move was the right thing to do for P.
Did P tell you about the cat escape incident?
Best wishes, P's mom; J
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