Sunday, May 07, 2006

Creativity in the Air...

Here is a little canvas I created a bit ago. I added the finishing touches today, and posted it on Ebay. It's a little hard to see in the picture but I used different shades of green; sage and moss along with burnt sienna and some copper embossing powders to add some interest. I stamped a wide band of pretty script through the width of the canvas with the embossing powder and added some ink, papers, and pretty sequins to finish it off.

I love creating things! Stay tuned, I'm working on a cute little "quote book" to record your favorite quotes's different! :)


Anonymous said...

Hello my dear!

I found it. I am interested in learning about your quote book. Is it already going to have quotes or is it for people to leave their own quotes? You are so creative Joy!!!


Anonymous said...

You should do some handmade postcards and participate to Postcrossing !
It's an easy way to have news from the whole world, to meet new people ; and your cards would be very beautiful, seeing what you already do. Anyway, you're very talented.

ChicChick said...

Thanks! Pam, glad you found it and Anonymous, I will research Postcrossing...sounds interesting! :)